Vauxhall Opel 1.6 HSFI-2.5 Engine ECU
Meriva A Z16XE Z16SE
12214820 DXBD
12214830 DXBC
12214830 DYDT
12230554 FBLY
12242000 DZJN
When replacing this type of unit you must make sure that all part numbers match to ensure correct settings for your specific vehicle type. However, many of these units hold a different firmware than is actually stated on the corresponding part number on the unit label.
This means when you purchase a replacement unit with thinking they're the same, they may actually hold different software leading to all manner of problems.
When you purchase this ecu from us, it will be supplied with the exact firmware as your original faulty ecu along with matching immobiliser for your vehicle, meaning there is no need to change keys, immo box, clocks etc....simply fit our ecu and drive away.
Plug and play exchange unit from £150
Contact us for details